Comments on: Walking the Lyveden Way/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/Exploring the world one small piece at a time!Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:40:46 +0000hourly1 travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4376Tue, 20 Sep 2022 14:38:03 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4376In reply to bitaboutbritain.

Oh thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment Mike, and glad I could support your itch to visit one day 🙂


By: bitaboutbritain/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4359Fri, 16 Sep 2022 22:45:55 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4359Wonderful, Han – and so thorough! I’ve been attracted to Lyveden New Bield ever since I was working with a client in Northampton a few years ago and thought I might be able to grab some time to visit. I still haven’t made it – and you’ve opened up a raft of other possibilities. Good on yer!

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4238Sun, 04 Sep 2022 13:47:25 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4238In reply to wetanddustyroads.

That’s very true – we’re lucky here to be able to get a lot of variation in only a small amount of space 🙂 And you can’t go wrong when there’s a pub on the route! 🙂 Thanks for reading and hope you’ve had a lovely weekend

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By: wetanddustyroads/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4230Fri, 02 Sep 2022 14:21:51 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4230. And the Lyveden Way looks like that kind of trail - lovely scenery and great photos, thanks Hannah!]]>For me, any hike is a good hike! Sometimes it’s great to conquer the mountains, but other times we enjoy a more easier hike which provides lovely views – such as woodlands, flowers and quaint English cottages (and if there’s a pub somewhere, even better) 😉. And the Lyveden Way looks like that kind of trail – lovely scenery and great photos, thanks Hannah!

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4222Fri, 02 Sep 2022 07:26:53 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4222In reply to Juliette.

I’ve definitely appreciated the local area more since COVID hit, and it’s actually been really fun discovering loads of things nearby I had no idea were there!!! I’m sure there’s loads in and around Brussels too 🙂


By: Juliette/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4205Thu, 01 Sep 2022 06:51:21 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4205How beautiful! I love the Elizabethan house! It also seems like a very “diverse” path, with an old house (or its ruins), woods and flowers, large fields, etc. I also love the idea of finding beautiful things to do in your area – it inspires me to try and find one near Brussels! Thanks for sharing!

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4189Mon, 29 Aug 2022 17:56:02 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4189In reply to ThingsHelenLoves.

So glad you like it Helen, it was a nice way to spend an afternoon that’s for sure. Oh I’m the same as you – I say I will but the reality is probably that I won’t haha!! I would love to challenge myself though, but I just find other holidays seem to come up and I’m so tired from work I just want holidays where I can collapse, or at least not have constant physical challenge!! 🙂


By: ThingsHelenLoves/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4181Mon, 29 Aug 2022 17:41:25 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4181This walk has so many things I love- the Garden Lodge is stunning. I enjoy a good day hike- not long enough to need a lot of planning, but long enough to feel like a reset. One that involves a National Trust property is a definite bonus! Do you think you’ll ever do one of the epic US or European trails? I talk a good fight about tackling one but am yet to do it!

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4172Sun, 28 Aug 2022 16:37:55 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4172In reply to rkrontheroad.

I can definitely see the likeness Ruth – thankfully this structure doesn’t have such a tragic story behind it!

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4170Sun, 28 Aug 2022 16:36:50 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4170In reply to ourcrossings.

Oh thank you so much Aiva, that’s really nice of you to say. You’re right it’s definitely a walk which shows England in a microcosm that’s for sure! I love finding a good pub on the walk 🙂

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4169Sun, 28 Aug 2022 16:36:04 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4169In reply to WanderingCanadians.

It’s definitely an easy and flat hike in the English countryside – we are lucky to have lots of historic houses and buildings nearby, but the views are nowhere near your incredible hikes in Canada 🙂

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By: travelling_han/2022/08/24/walking-the-lyveden-way/comment-page-1/#comment-4168Sun, 28 Aug 2022 16:35:24 +0000/?p=12440#comment-4168In reply to Jyothi.

Thank you so much Jyothi – hope you’ve had a lovely weekend

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