The Perfect 1 Week Amalfi Coast Itinerary

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Are you dreaming of a roadtrip to somewhere beautiful – with incredible weather, food, history and views? If so, then you can’t beat the Amalfi coast, one of my favourite destinations in Europe.

My best friend and I spent a glorious week in the Summer a few years back travelling around the area, and managed to see so much in a week. It’s a trip that many dream of so here’s how to make the most out of a limited time in the region.

  1. Contents
  2. How to get to the Amalfi Coast
  3. Amalfi Coast: 2 Week Itinerary
    1. Itinerary Day 1: Naples
    2. Itinerary Day 2: Sorrento
    3. Itinerary Day 3: Positano and Amalfi
    4. Itinerary Day 4: Pompeii
    5. Itinerary Day 5: Ravello, Maiori and Minori
    6. Itinerary Day 6: Capri
    7. Itinerary Day 7: Mount Vesuvius and Herculaneum

The best option for arriving to the Amalfi Coast is to fly (or get the train if you’re in Italy or central Europe already) in to Naples. From Naples, many of the attractions are within easy train or driving distance.

We decided to make Sorrento our base for this trip and were so glad we did as it meant we were only staying in one place, but were perfectly located for wonderful days out without wasting loads of time travelling between places, checking in and out of hotels etc.

To get from Naples to Sorrento is simple. On arrival at Naples, we headed to the main train station to catch the Circumvesuviana train – a train which goes from Naples to Sorrento directly regularly throughout the day and takes about an hour. We then stayed in Sorrento for the whole week and branched out around the Amalfi car by train, bus, boat and car.

Detailed post: Naples

Arrive early in Naples, store your luggage in the station, and explore the city. Naples is often seen as a bit of a ‘bad boy’ of Italy, with a reputation for the Mafia and Diego Maradonna. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the glorious open piazzas, the interesting streets and buildings, castles on the waterfront and of course – incredible pizza.

If you don’t have time to do this on arrival, book a late flight home on the last day and do it then instead.

Detailed Post: Sorrento

Spend a day exploring your base for the trip, Sorrento. It’s a beautiful town with lots of quaint shops, a lovely marina to enjoy, some beautiful churches, a lemon grove, lots of Gelato, Limoncello and of course pasta! We spent the day happily walking around, taking in the view of Vesuvius and enjoying the wine and food. It’s a great choice for a laid back day to start your trip.

Detailed Post: Positano & Amalfi

On day 3, we hired a car and drove to Positano and Amalfi, around an hour’s drive away from Sorrento.

Positano is literally one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. Ever. But my gosh there are a LOT of steps. We walked all the way down from the road to the beach (and back up again), stopping for lunch and enjoying the incredible views. After lunch we then headed to Amalfi, where we enjoyed the gorgeous Byzantine church, picturesque beach and a Paper Museum, before heading back to Sorrento for the night.

More epic cliff views

Full Post: Pompeii

From Sorrento, we took the Circumvesuviana train to Pompeii to explore the site. The train only takes around 30 minutes so is really easy to do. In AD79, Mount Vesuvius erupted in one of the deadliest European volcano eruptions ever. Around 1,500 bodies have been found so far in Pompeii – a Roman city destroyed by the eruption and preserved by ash. The site is still being excavated, and gets bigger all the time. I visited Pompeii as a child, and enjoyed retracing my steps back through the city.

Full Post: Ravello, Maiori & Minori

On day 5, we headed out in the car again to travel back along the Amalfi coast and visit Ravello, Maiori and Minori, three more beautiful towns just East of Positano and Amalfi.

Ravello was definitely the highlight, and absolutely beautiful. We drove out to it, parked easily in an underground carpark and it was pretty quiet. We spent a morning there visiting the 13th-century, Moorish-style Villa Rufolo which has amazing views from its terraced gardens. We also walked around the town, discovering the many beautiful ceramic shops (Pascal was our favourite), before having a late lunch and then heading on to the towns of Maiori and Minori.

Again these quaint little towns were fairly quiet so we enjoyed exploring the shops, beaches, views and delicious foods.

Full Post: Capri

We visited Capri on a boat tour from Sorrento. We were picked up from our hotel on a bus and taken to the boat stop, where we boarded a speed boat to the island. We laid out on the boat and sunbathed as we raced through the water! We even went through the ‘love arch’ which is fabled to bring you good luck with your significant other if you kiss them whilst under it.

Capri itself is split in to two parts – Capri and Anacapri – with Anacapri being the ‘old’ town and home to the Villa San Michele with epic views reachable only by chairlift, and Capri being the area with the marina, restaurants and more shops. Both were beautiful. You can see why this is a playground of the rich and famous!

Full Posts: Vesuvius & Herculaneum

On the final day of our trip, we visited one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, which scientists say is due another eruption. So, is it safe to climb? Well….I guess nothing is ever completely safe, but before a volcano like this has any activity, there are warning signs. Technology these days means you’re going to be able to predict an eruption before it happens, so you can be safe in the knowledge it’s not going to erupt while you’re half way up it.

To get to Vesuvius, we again hopped on the Circumvesuviana train again and exited at Pompeii. From there is a bus which takes you directly to the start of the climb to the crater. The hike takes a couple of hours so easily fills a morning.

After lunch we then visited Herculaneum, a much smaller town which again was covered by ash when Vesuvius erupted in AD79. I personally thought this site was better preserved than Pompeii and liked that it was smaller so you could see everything.

At Herculaneum

And that concludes a week on the Amalfi coast. We found having one base and branching out by train, car and boat made for a varied and interesting week. We felt we saw most of the main sites in the area and at a leisurely pace as well.

Thank you for reading and I hope this post has brought back happy memories, or inspired new ones. Stay safe and happy travelling!

28 responses to “The Perfect 1 Week Amalfi Coast Itinerary”

  1. Excellent recap of what I’m sure was a remarkable journey along Italy’s southern coast! We visited Positano for two days and really fell in love with it! Such an incredibly unique place. Check out our recent blog about our experience there. Keep up the good travels, friend!


    1. It really was such a lovely place. Positano was breathtaking! I’ve just had a look at your blog and it looks amazing – look forward to following your future travels!


  2. This looks like a great week! Thanks for all of the ideas. Hopefully someday….


    1. It was a great week, oh to be able to go on holiday again soon! Like you say, hopefully someday!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great week! It’s an undoubtedly beautiful part of the world with such varied landscapes and unique sites. The blue waters around Capri are worth the visit alone.


    1. Thanks Leighton – yes for sure, it’s such a beautiful corner of Europe. I can’t wait to go back once we’re all able to travel again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love it! I was supposed to be going to the Amalfi Coast next month, but that trip will have to wait another year sadly


    1. Oh noooo, that is so rubbish – I so hope you get to go next year instead. It feels like so many amazing trips are being missed, I really hope we’re out of this soon. Thanks for commenting and stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I visited Naples and Pompeii on your list, as well as the Amalfi Coast (but none of the villages you featured here). Touristy as it is, Positano is a place I would like to check out should I return that part of Italy someday, and I’d choose to spend a few days just exploring the Amalfi villages all the same. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


    1. Yes it’s such a picture perfect part of the world – I didn’t actually find a lot of the Amalfi villages too toursity (even Positano wasn’t THAT bad), as long as you get there early and aren’t on a tour bus it seemed fine. Thanks for commenting and have a lovely day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a great way to summarize your trip. I have such fond memories of my time in Italy. We only managed to visit Florence, Rome and Naples. There never seems to be enough time (or vacation days).


    1. Ahh thank you so much! Yes it’s such a beautiful country isn’t it – I can’t wait to visit Florence one day. Like you say, never enough vacation days! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I am definitely dreaming of a post lockdown road trip to somewhere beautiful and warm as its been a very long and dreary winter here on the Emerald Isle. Looking at the map and all the places worth visiting on the Amalfi coast, I’d say you can easily spend two weeks exploring it and still not see everything. I would love to travel to Italy and take in the views from Monte Solaro of Capri island, on a sunny summers day. Thanks for sharing and have a good day. Aiva 🙂


    1. Winter has felt extra long hasn’t it this year with lockdown as well, it really has been tough. Like you, I can’t wait to get away somewhere and feel the warmth and excitement of a new place. Hopefully a return to Italy is an option for us in the not too distant future. Thanks for stopping by Aiva, and have a great day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This is such a good-feel post – beautiful pictures!
    Positano looks like a magic place – we’ve read a lot about the Amalfi Coast before Covid (yes, we also had plans of visiting this stunning place) and learned that Positano is a very old village/town … I can’t remember the exact date now, but it was somewhere around 100 years BC that the Romans began settling in Positano.
    To see all these ancient towns, must be a wonderful experience. And from your photo’s, it seems you will have thousands of amazing pictures to choose from to remember your trip to the Amalfi Coast 🌸.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah thank you so much! It was lovely writing it actually, I am longing to feel the sunshine again!
      Yes it’s a really stunning part of Europe and well worth a visit; Positano is definitely special and worth a place on anyone’s post COVID travel list. I hope you get to visit and take your own amazing photos one day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. An excellent itinerary to inspire others to visit the Amalfi coast Hannah. It’s been awhile since I was there and look forward to revisiting and following some of your suggestions. Hope you have a nice weekend! Marion


    1. Thanks so much Marion, really pleased you like some of the suggestions 🙂 Have a nice weekend too!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful captures!! Great post!!


    1. Thank you so much, so glad you enjoyed it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Brenda O

    I have wonderful memories of my trip to Italy. I was fortunate enough to begin in Rome, stopping at most of the places on your above list and ending in Capri, which was one of my favorite stops! So glad you enjoyed your trip.


  12. I will have to keep this area in mind when I travel again… lovely recount of your journey there and memorable photos!


    1. Thank you so much for your comment – hopefully you get to visit one day soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Ooohhh, lovely pictures!! We have never been here. I very much look forward to when we do, especially seeing artifacts from Pompeii, I look forward to learning some history! It is on the list FOR SURE. 😁


  14. Ron

    Really good itinerary! A quick question, did you rent a car for a day in Sorrento? I want to do the same itinerary as you and this part was not clear to me. Also, I only have 6 full days, which part should I skip?


    1. Hi Ron, thanks so much for reading. So we stayed in Sorrento for the whole week. We then hired a car for 2 days of the 7 we were there from a rental place in Sorrento, and drove out to Amalfi and Positano on one day, and then Ravello and Maiori on another day. It is driving the same road twice so you could just do that last and stay over if you prefer.
      We then used the train to get from Sorrento to Naples, Pompeii, Vesuvius and Herculaneum. We booked a day boat trip for Capri which included hotel pick up.
      In terms of what to drop, I think it depends on your interests. You could drop Herculaneum as its similar to Pompeii. You could also drop Naples as I would say its not as beautiful as the other places. Or you could drop the Ravello and Maiori day to save the second day trip drive.
      Is that helpful? Just let me know if you have any more questions 😊


  15. […] Sorrento is one of the gateway cities to the beautiful Italian Amalfi coast. We spent a week in the area, and you can read the full week-long itinerary HERE. […]


  16. […] The Amalfi Coast is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. Stunning views out to the sea, plunging cliff faces, towns built in to the steep slopes. It’s breathtakingly beautiful and one of the most picture perfect regions of the world I’ve ever visited. […]


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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