
  • A Ramble through Rabat

    A guest post from Mr Barney Travel Technologies, taking us on his ramble through Rabat exploring the ancient Roman city and modern capital of Morocco.

  • A safari break in the Moremi Game Reserve

    A slice of peace and serenity in this busy world; getting away from it all and watching amazing animals in their natural habitat is often a once in a lifetime experience. Read on to find out about our safari in Botswana.

  • Penguins in the Cape Peninsula

    A day trip around the Cape Peninsula – from Hout Bay to the penguins at Boulder’s Beach right down to Cape Point. Epic scenery and the best penguins ever make this a must do trip! Read on to find out more.

  • 5 reasons to visit Mauritius

    Is Mauritius more than just beaches? Definitely! Read on to explore other reasons why this Indian Ocean packs a punch – from its hiking routes, to its alcohol, to its National Parks. Oh and the beaches aren’t too bad either….

  • Visiting the South African winelands

    Do you like wine? If the answer to that question is yes then this day trip is most definitely for you. Read on to discover my favourite South African winelands locations!

  • How to visit Cape Town in 2 days

    A guide to spending 2 days in Cape Town – from the peak of Table Mountain to the former township of Bo-Kaap and exploring the history of slavery. This modern, vibrant city has so much to offer – read on to find out more.

  • A weekend at Chobe Game Lodge

    A weekend on safari at the incredible Chobe Game Lodge – a place to marvel in nature’s wonders and get up close to the Big 5!

  • A visit to Victoria Falls

    Victoria Falls are a bucket list item. These epic falls are located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and their breathtaking impact isn’t done justice on camera. You can walk, boat, fly, or even swim the Falls (if you’re a real adventurer). Read on for my guide to visiting the Falls.