24 hours in Gdansk

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Gdansk lies on the Baltic north coast of Poland. Previously German, after WWI Gdansk was made an autonomous state, belonging to neither Germany nor Poland. However, this didn’t work for Hitler and Gdansk became the site of the outbreak of WW2 when Nazi forces invaded the city. By 1945 the city was rubble, and the communist forces of the red army occupied it. Now part of an independent Poland and beautifully restored, Gdansk is a lovely surprise of a city.

One of my favourite facts about Gdansk is that it still has its historical beer bell which used to be rung to announce the opening of pubs!  It’s also the place to go if you’re in need of some luck – the city’s special drink is the locally produced Goldwasser liqueur which has flakes of gold floating in the bottle. It’s said that drinking this liquer will bring you good luck for a number of years.

I found it the perfect place to spend a day, so let’s go!

  1. Contents
  2. Getting to Gdansk
  3. Things to do in Gdansk in 24 hours
    1. Eat breakfast at Klatka B
    2. Visit Neptune Fountain and Artus Court
    3. Stroll to St Mary’s Basilica/Tower Climb
    4. See the impressive Armoury
    5. Shop along Ulica Dluga
    6. The streets of Baltic Gold
    7. Eat traditional Polish Pierogi
    8. The WW2 museum
    9. The Riverfront

  • Gdansk is a 2 hour flight from London, from either Luton or Stansted, using EasyJet, WizzAir or Ryanair. There are no direct flights on the British Airways network.
  • When arriving in Gdansk airport, you can take bus 210 direct to the city in 30 minutes, for around £1.
  • If you’re arriving late at night and would prefer a taxi, Bolt and Uber are both available in Gdansk and a taxi ride to the city will cost around £10.
  • Card is widely used so you can pay for most things via card, though if you want to use cash, please remember Poland uses the Zloty, not the Euro.
  • The official language is of course Polish, but English is widely spoken.

There aren’t loads of breakfast places in Gdansk, but this cozy café on the river front is a perfect start to the day – I highly recommend the eggs with Pastrami as you watch the world go by – totally delicious!

Neptune Fountain is a historic landmark of the city. When the Nazis invaded, they removed the Polish eagles on the sculpture. Thankfully they are now back and restored to their full glory.

Artus Court used to be the merchant’s hall of the city and the hub of social life. Today, it forms part of the Gdansk history museum which includes a panorama of how the great hall would have looked at its peak.

Artus Court (L) and Neptune Fountain (R)

Currently one of the largest brick churches in the world, St Mary’s has capacity for 25,000 people! The interior is also pretty impressive, with the sculptor who carved the crucifix of Christ even nailing his errant son-in-law to a cross so as to add realism to his work! You can also climb the church tower for some lovely views across the city.

The approach to the Basilica

This beautiful Renaissance building was built in 1600-09, and was a working arsenal until the 1800s. During WW2 it was badly damaged, and it had to be rebuilt to capture its former glory – it was even a supermarket in the interim! It’s now host to an art gallery and wine bar. Lovely.

Gdansk Armoury

This street, meaning Long Lane, is one of the most walked streets in Gdansk. Perfect for a spot of shopping, it leads from the Golden Gate to the Long Market (Dlugi Targ).

Baltic gold, more commonly known as amber, can be found on the Baltic beaches. Amber is sold widely in Gdansk, and the best street to find it is Ulica Mariacka. You can also visit an amber museum here if you want to learn more.

This street is one of Gdansk’s most beautiful – a lane of cobbles running from the church to the waterfront. It’s again all been painstakingly reconstructed following decimation during WW2, and is now a place with lots of charm and character.

Ulica Mariacka

Dumplings are a staple of central and eastern European dishes. Some of the best are to be found in Poland, and Gdansk is home to a number of Pierogi specific restaurants and cafes. What better way to spend your lunch stop than sampling local cuisine.

Polish Pierogi

My personal favourite is Pierogarnia Mandu Centrum, which comes highly recommended by the queue outside at all times of day. You can sample Pierogi stuffed with everything from raspberry lemonade, to wild boar, to peanut butter, to cheese. A delicious and authentic lunch time spot.

You can’t come to Gdansk and not acknowledge its recent history. The fact the whole city was destroyed, the fact it was the starting point of WW2, the fact that it was once in German hands and known as Danzig – its rich history can’t be ignored.

This architecturally unique museum documents the fate of Poland during the war, focusing on the human cost of this horrific time. I don’t think anyone can leave unmoved. Particularly interesting exhibits are a full mock up of an interwar street, the Holocaust section where there are 7 metres of Jewish faces rising floor to ceiling, Russian tanks and an opportunity to watch the Oscar-nominated film called Siege, which covers the first few days of the Nazi invasion of Poland. We spent 5 hours here, and I recommend at least 2.

After the sobering experience of the war museum, a nice stroll along the waterfront is the perfect antidote. The Long Waterfront follows the Motława River and offers some pretty views across the water and across to the Gdansk sign.

Waterfront views

If you’re feeling like a special night out, you could also head to the Baltic Philharmonic concert hall, right on the river, for an evening performance.

If not, finish off your absolutely jam packed day with a nice meal and relaxing glass of wine at one of Gdansk’s many delicious restaurants. If you want to go up-market, why not try Winne Grono. Or if not, go to the wholesome and tasty Meat Shack BBQ. Whatever your budget, be sure to book in a delicious end to the day.

And there you have it – a full on 24 hours in Gdansk taking in the main sites. After that, you will sleep well before embarking on your journey onwards or home. I can’t wait to explore more of Poland – with Krakow and Warsaw high on the list for my next city breaks. Thanks for reading; stay safe and happy travelling.

5 responses to “24 hours in Gdansk”

  1. Awesome guide, thank you for sharing!


    1. Thanks Laura – though I did just see on your Instgram you visited right before lockdown, so you’re probably way more of an expert than me with my quick 24 hours! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not at all! I actually think you saw a lot of places I didn’t. It’s such a cool place to visit isn’t it?!


  2. Sounds like the trip we did a few years back, we flew from Stockholm and landed in the morning. Ate breakfast at a friends place before getting a ride into Gdansk. Explored Gdansk for a few hours, had lunch and took the tram to the beach. Then we had a nice beach walk to Sopot where we had dinner before being picked up by our friend. After a few hours sleep we were once more on our way back to Stockholm 🙂


    1. Ah that sounds very similar, and like you had a lovely day. I’d love to go back to Stockholm one day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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