15 great things to do in Copenhagen in winter

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Copenhagen is a city which left its mark on me; not in a big way like when a place changes you or your outlook, but in a small, I can see myself living here and being happy, kind of way. The city is beautiful and its architecture stunning, there’s lots to do and the people are friendly, the food was great and the atmosphere felt calm and laid back. The only thing that is not so great is the prices, which of course are astronomical because it’s Scandinavia.

Visiting in winter means that quite a few of Copenhagen’s main attractions, like Tivoli Gardens, are closed. However, it also means there are far, far less people and you can virtually walk around crowd free everywhere. It does mean the weather is more likely than not to be grim, but it also means those astronomical prices aren’t quite so high and good deals can be found on hotels.

Visiting major cities in winter also means experiencing a bit more of local life rather than just feeling like a cog in the mass tourist wheel. And whilst it’s guaranteed you won’t get much sun in Copenhagen in winter, it’s still a beautiful time to see the city with lovely early morning light, cosy fires in restaurants, emptier hotels and no waiting lines. And of course, there’s still plenty to do!

You can do everything on this list in 2-2.5 days depending on how long you want in the museums, and putting it together makes for a perfect long weekend winter stay in the Danish capital. If you have longer, then maybe also think about visiting Roskilde, home to Viking ships and Danish Kings – post HERE.

  1. Contents
  2. Nyhavn
  3. Christiansborg Palace
  4. Climb the Christiansborg Tower
  5. Gammel Strand and Hojbro Plads
  6. National Museum of Denmark
  7. Changing of the Guard at Amalienborg Palace
  8. Marble Church
  9. The Little Mermaid
  10. Kastellet Fortress
  11. Danish Resistance Museum
  12. Rosenborg Palace
  13. River boat trip
  14. Cocktails at Nimb
  15. Sample traditional Danish food
  16. Town Hall & The Shopping Area

Nyhavn, or New Harbour, is one of the most famous areas of Copenhagen and a must see on a visit to the city. Built in the 1600s, it’s full of incredible houses all beautifully preserved and colourful. The famous author Hans Christian Andersen even lived in one during the 1800s. Today it’s a great spot to stroll around, and you can also catch boat cruises along the Nyhavn front. It’s great to visit in the winter as you may get the harbour frozen over with ice, and invariably the restaurants are quiet and the walkways not heaving with people. Just wear a coat and a hat.

Beautiful Nyhavn

Christiansborg is one of the most famous Danish palaces. Originally built in the 1700s, the current version was built in the early 1900s. It is the seat of the Danish Parliament, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Supreme Court. Several parts of the palace are also used by the Danish Queen (Margrethe, who is 72 and celebrates 50 years as Queen in 2022), including the Royal Reception Rooms, the Palace Chapel and the Royal Stables.

Entrance to the Palace

Seeing the Palace is a perfect winter stop because the Royal Reception Rooms are indoors, and you can have them literally all to yourself which is incredibly special. We arrived at 2pm, and were the only people visiting.

Now this one’s a bit of a chilly one. The tower you see through the entrance gates to Christiansborg is open to climb. It’s also completely free, and there is a restaurant up there. So if you want to do something special on your visit, you could have lunch up the tower – or you could just climb up to get the beautiful views out over Copenhagen – just wrap up, it’s windy up there in the winter (but also deserted so great for the photos).

Views from the top

Another lovely area of the city is Gammel Strand and Hojbro Plads, right outside Christiansborg Palace. It’s another outdoor one here though, as Gammel Strand (literally ‘Old Beach’) and Hojbro Plads (‘High Bridge Place’) are two architectural beauties. We walked around taking it all in, and then popped in to Nikolaj Kunstahl, a contemporary art exhibition in an old church, to warm up. We also ate lunch along Gammel Strand at a tasty burger and cocktail place called Cocks & Cows…..the cocktails definitely helped with the cold!

In Hojbro Plads

It’s time to warm up with something indoors again. The National Museum of Denmark is incredible, and if you’re a museum geek like me then you could easily spend the entire day in there. We had to limit ourselves to 3 hours but it wasn’t enough.

Inside, they have a whole exhibition on The Vikings, including Roskilde 6, one of the largest Viking ships ever found. They also have the whole history of Denmark documented through boards and objects from Pre-History to 2000. This includes the shift from Viking to Medieval times and conversion to Christianity, Renaissance, explorations to Iceland, Greenland, Antarctica and further afield, formation of the Monarchy and Kingdom of Denmark, including Norway, the many battles with Sweden, the colonies established overseas from India (who knew!) to the Danish West Indies and Denmark’s role in the slave trade, all the way through to industrialisation, the World Wars, the Cold War and the modern day. I mean…..like I say, could have spent all day in there.

Amalienborg sits in the heart of Copenhagen, and is where you can visit the seat of Europe’s oldest Monarchy to go behind the scenes in a real royal Palace. This Palace is made up of 4 individual Palaces in a circle, and they are the homes of the Royal Family. When the Queen is in residence a Danish flag flies over her Palace.

At Amalienborg

And guess what? This is her winter residence, so she’s there for a winter visit. And this comes with some benefits. The main one is that every day at 12pm the Guards change in a ceremony, and when the Queen is in residence this comes complete with a band playing. You don’t get that in the summer! Plus, there’s not many people there to see it so it’s a great spectacle and even better if you can warm your hands up enough to get them out and take some photos!

The second benefit is you might even see her – as we did, along with some paparazzi. I haven’t seen my own beloved Queenie here in England, but I have seen the Danish Queen. Another bonus of a winter visit!

After the cold of the Changing of the Guard, it’s time to warm up again by nipping up the road and in to the spectacular Marble church, which was built in the 1700s and actually forms part of the Amalienborg complex. It’s free to enter and the ceiling is a must see (plus, there are lots of heaters).

Another famous landmark to be seen when visiting Copenhagen is the Little Mermaid, a statue built to commemorate the fairytale by Hans Christen Andersen (and made world famous by Disney). It was ordered designed by a man who fell in love with a Ballerina he wanted to impress and base the statue’s face on her. However, she wouldn’t post naked for the top half so he had to use his wife as the model for that bit – I can only imagine she wasn’t too impressed.

The Mermaid on an overcast day

The Little Mermaid is on the outskirts of The Kastellet Fortress. This is the coldest of the items on the winter list, but while you’re there you may as well visit it and the next stop is a warm one. The Kastellet Fortress is one of the best preserved fortresses in Europe, and is still used as a military base today. You can walk around and through it, and inside the Fortress walls are some lovely things to see – including a park, bright colourful military houses, 2 small museums (closed in winter) and even a windmill!

Let’s warm up inside again with some history. During WW2, Denmark was occupied by the Nazis. This museum tells the story of how the Danish government took an approach of tolerance to Nazi occupation, but how over time actions of resistance began occurring until liberation in 1945. I always find it interesting how many countries were taken over by the Nazis (France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Denmark etc), and how quickly Nazism spread across Europe. Many saw Nazi Germany as undefeatable and didn’t have the power to stop them so allowed them in to their countries – I think it makes me even more proud to be British and part of the country that said no, absolutely not. I know Winston Churchill now has his critics and many are seeking for him to be ‘cancelled’, but as the Prime Minister who quite literally protected Western Europe from today being Nazi, I think his accomplishments well outweigh some of his now outdated views.

Outside the museum

Rosenborg Palace is an old Royal Palace, originally built as a summer house. The Royal family no longer reside here, but it is home to Denmark’s treasury, and so the Crown Jewels of Denmark. It’s also situated in a lovely garden. Even in winter, this Palace was busy and the most people we had seen for all of our trip, so I dread to think how heaving it can get in summer. But at least it was warm and beautiful.

Outside Rosenborg

A nice way to see a bit more of Copenhagen is to take a boat trip. There is one downside to visiting in the winter and doing a boat trip – you’re basically guaranteed a high tide which means the boat won’t wiggle through all the city centre. The benefit – the boat will be almost empty, and with global warming, even in summer there is a high tide about 3 days out of 7 now. Also if you’re visiting in February as we did, the light festival is on so you can see some lovely illuminations on an evening cruise.

We chose to cruise with Stromma and our guide was brilliant – we learnt a lot about Denmark; from the Queen to the tradition of skinny dipping to the history of buildings and areas.

One of the attractions that is closed over winter is Tivoli Gardens, one of the most established amusement parks in Europe, home to lovely wooden rides and traditional games. Within Tivoli is a gorgeous hotel called Nimb, which during the summer months is busy and full of tourists. But In the winter you can have it all to yourselves. We chose to stay at Nimb (taking advantage of those winter discounts) and you can read my full review of the hotel HERE.

Beautiful Nimb

If you don’t want to stay at the hotel though, it’s still worth visiting as it’s so beautiful and the cocktails are a Fairytale themed menu of delciousness – I had the Snow Queen. The bar is beautiful and the perfect place to curl up next to the fire with a drink or afternoon tea. There is also an on-site spa which offers incredible treatments including traditional hammam treatments and massages – another wonderful option for the winter.

One of the absolute pleasures of visiting Copenhagen in winter is to have restaurant tables without time limits, without being cramped in, getting to talk to the staff alongside roaring fires and wonderful plates of delicious food. The food is a highlight of any winter trip to the city, and whilst you must sample some traditional Danish food at spots like Karla’s or Amalie or Sankt Annae, the whole food scene in Copenhagen is wonderful, with every cuisine imaginable on offer. We also particularly enjoyed Cocks & Cows, Sticks & Sushi and Nimb Brasserie to add some variety.

Copenhagen City Hall is the headquarters of the Copenhagen City Council as well as the Lord Mayor. The building is situated on City Hall Square in central Copenhagen, and is beautiful to admire….even in the rain!

Town Hall

Also just on from the Town Hall is the main shopping area in Copenhagen, which you can reach by walking up Stroget street. Here you can visit The Lego Store, which is a must when in Denmark as it’s the home of Lego. Also along the streets are some lovely independent shops, as well as The Church of the Holy Spirit, which again is nice to pop in to, especially when it’s raining!

So what do you think of Copenhagen? Would you like to visit, and do you like the sound of a cosy winter time stay there? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always, stay safe and happy travelling!

45 responses to “15 great things to do in Copenhagen in winter”

  1. A splendid city break itinerary of Copenhagen Hannah. Visiting cities in winter does have some advantages as long as you wrap up warm. Hopefully I’ll also get to visit the city before too long!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marion, so glad you enjoyed it. Definitely wrap up warm – it was absolutely FREEZING!!! Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely evening 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We were there a few years back – the last weekend in November. The Xmas markets had just opened and Tivoli was also open so it gave another dimension to your list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh I thought Tivoli closed Nov-March apart from Christmas market, so that’s good to know. I’d love to go back to see it 🙂


  3. I’ve been to Copenhagen a few times and I’ve just realized I’ve never visited the Danish Resistance Museum. I’ll make sure to add it to my list for next time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh amazing, glad to show you somewhere new to visit Vanessa – thanks so much for reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I have not returned to Copenhagen in almost a decade, and like you, it left a lasting impression on me. You mentioned that you could envision yourself being happy there: I actually heard that Denmark is ranked one of the happiest countries in the world, so that’s no coincidence! I’d love to return to stroll the colorful Nyhavn, and I especially want to check out the Tivoli Gardens (as I didn’t get to last time). Glad you had a wonderful time in Copenhagen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah it’s great you got to visit as well, it really is a special city. And I agree on the happiness factor – it just feels like a really nice place to be (apart from the cost!) Let’s hope we both get to return one day as I need to visit Tivoli too 🙂 Thanks for commenting and have a great day

      Liked by 1 person

  5. WOW! I would love to visit. That looks like a stunning destination. Thanks for the inspiration. Mel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah thanks Mel, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve always wanted to visit Copenhagen. One of the reasons I love to travel in the offseason is that it’s a great way to avoid the crowds. It’s a lovely feeling to show up to a museum or castle and have the place all to yourself. Looks like you had a fabulous time and ate well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally agree on the avoiding crowds, it’s so much nicer seeing the main tourist sites without all the tourists…in Europe you just have to wrap up warm 🙂 Thanks so much for reading and have a great day

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the colourful houses at New Harbour … and of course, the Christiansborg Palace is beautiful (lovely view from the tower). The Mermaid statue and windmill are also some of my favourites … and who doesn’t love to see some Danish crown jewels! Food and cocktails – an absolute YES from me! (Ironically, frikadellen is also called “frikkadelle” – without the “n” – in Afrikaans, my home language 😊).
    Thanks for the tour Hannah, it looks like a great city to visit (I will however have to buy a jacket, hat, scarf and gloves for this outing during winter).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed it Corna, really appreciate you reading. I loved the city, but totally agree you DEFINITELY need to wrap up warm for a winter visit pretty much anywhere in Europe! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. What a fun trip! I love the houses and visiting the Palace would be at the top of my list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a beautiful city – thanks so much for reading Lyssy 🙂


  9. Copenhagen looks lovely, and this sounds like a great itinerary for seeing the city. I’ve never been to Denmark but now I know where to go when I do make it there. Great photos too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah so glad you enjoyed it Diana – yes if you ever make it to Denmark, definitely include Copenhagen for sure 🙂 Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. How exciting to get to see the Danish queen! What a fantastic tour of this beautiful city. Really interesting to learn the history of these places. This is somewhere else I’ve always wanted to see. There is a Danish community in California called Solvang that I visited last year and they have a replica of the Little Mermaid statue. All I could think though was how much nicer it would be to see it in the bay of Copenhagen instead of on a busy sidewalk in California 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, it was an unexpected treat for sure!!! Oh wow, I didn’t know that about the statue in California, that’s crazy. I imagine the Californian street was a lot warmer than the Copenhagen shoreline mind you, it was definitely a cold trip to visit the Little Mermaid!!! Thanks for reading Meg, and have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Wonderful photography and a great list of things to experience in Copenhagen. Brings back memories of my own trip many moons ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, appreciate you reading 🙂 It’s a beautiful city isn’t it!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Nordic design, stylish architecture, prize-winning gourmet cuisine: it’s no wonder that the Danish capital’s special attitude towards life attracts ten million tourists a year. A few years ago I read a book about hygge, you know the famous Danish obsession about getting cosy and ever since wanted to visit. Hopefully one day 🙂 Thanks for sharing and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely agree that Hygge is a theme they construct society around – the hotel I stayed in was amazing for creating that cosy vibe. Thanks so much for reading Aiva and hope you’re having a wonderful day 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. My sister lived in Denmark for a year and loved being there. I hope to visit someday, and your post has given me some great ideas. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow that’s amazing, I’d love to live there for a prolonged period of time as I definitely was taken by its charm. I hope you get to visit one day, and thanks for reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. We went in November and it was nice to visit the city at that time less busy. We saw the changing of the guards and that was amazing. Absolutely loved it. Nice to read that you had a great time there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh amazing, I’m so glad you had a great visit there too. I agree, it’s nice when it’s much less busy – albeit very cold!! Thanks for reading 🙂


  15. A stunning collection of historical architecture you’ve shared from your visit to Copenhagen, Hannah ~ thank you & have a great week ahead! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed it Phil – you have a lovely week ahead too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TY Hannah 🙏🏼😊

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Superb clicks Hannah!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Beautiful place Copenhagen ! Well shared with excellent photos and description! Thanks for sharing 😊❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is lovely isn’t it….thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂


      1. Yes it’s excellent! You are welcome 😊👌stay blessed ❤❤

        Liked by 1 person

  18. I was there some years ago, but we were moving on to the other Scandinavian countries as well, and didn’t have time to explore the great sites you’ve listed. I remember being totally charmed by Nyhavn. The colors, the boats, the reflections!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scandinavia is such a beautiful region isn’t it. I agree, Nyhavn was just stunning and it’s so great that those ancient houses have all been so well preserved. Thanks for reading Ruth.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. How beautiful! I have never been to Copenhagen but it’s been on my list for a long time! I completely understand the feeling of “I could live here and be happy”, and from what I’ve heard, Copenhagen would be that type of place for me – if it weren’t for the cold weather maybe! What was your favourite traditional food you tried there? 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw I’m so glad you like the post, I really did fall in love with Copenhagen and it’s well worth a visit if you get the chance 🙂 I really enjoyed the open sandwiches and meatballs, they were delicious. Thanks so much for reading and hope you had a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. solotravelstory

    Copenhagen is pretty no matter what season you’re going to visit. I can also recommend the green/palm house at the university. It’s a nice environment coming from a dreary and cold outside into a lush and tropical indoors.

    Carolin | Solo Travel Story

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that’s a great recommendation, thanks Carolin…I didn’t make it there this visit so will have to go there next time 🙂


  21. […] years ago. It’s one of Denmark’s oldest cities and being only 30 minutes outside of Copenhagen, it makes for the perfect day trip from the capital. I was really taken with Roskilde’s […]


  22. […] in English, but loosely means creating a warm atmosphere and feeling cosy. Nimb Hotel in Copenhagen embodies hygge, it made me feel hygge. It’s a special place, and it will forever have a […]


  23. […] back to the first overseas trip of 2022, I headed to Copenhagen for my birthday in February, and stayed at Nimb Hotel. A lot of healing happened on this trip and […]


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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