7 of The best beaches in Jersey

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Do you want beautiful, picture perfect postcard beaches without the crowds? Do you want them without paying the price tag of luxury resorts? Do you want them within an hour’s flight of London? If your answer is yes – then Jersey is for you!

Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands, between England and France. The island is quite small, so the sea is never more than 15 minutes away, and the bays, beaches and surfing are truly amazing. I had no idea such a stunning place was on the doorstep.

The downside, of course, is that its not warm year round. It’s not a place for winter sun. BUT it most definitely is a place for summer sun. If you visit between mid-June to the end of August you have a great chance of enjoying the sunshine on the beach. For a small price tag. And even in the summer holidays, there aren’t big crowds.

If you also want to learn more about the island as a whole, and see my full trip, you can read my blog post on Jersey here, but I felt the incredible beaches deserved a whole post to themselves!

1. Anne Port

On the north east coast of Jersey, this beach was my absolute favourite. We walked to it from St Catherine’s and as the windy rocky paths opened up, the view over the bay were incredible! Like WOW. It took my breath away. The beach was also quiet, the sea good for swimming, and it was a lovely place to spend the day relaxing with a book. Even just typing this makes me feel happy, and I think this is actually my favourite beach I’ve ever been to outside of The Maldives.

Anne Port Beach – complete with about 5 other people!

2. St Ouen’s Beach/Le Braye

St Ouen’s Bay is the longest beach in Jersey and runs along the majority of the west coast of the island. It’s even nicknamed ‘The Five Mile Road’ by locals – the ‘road’ being sand! And again, there was no-one else in sight.

3. St Aubin’s Bay

This beach runs between St Helier, the capital of Jersey, and St Aubin’s along the South coast of the island. As it is south facing, it captures the sun for most of the day and is a beautiful spot. It also overlooks Elizabeth Castle, which itself has some lovely beaches so makes for a perfect day when combined.

4. Archirondel Beach

This beach is set apart by it’s excellent beach cafe which makes a perfect stop for lunch. It is pebbly but sandy at low tide. As it is east facing, it it best to visit in the morning, stay for lunch and then head on to your next stop. Also at this site, is Archirondel tower, perched on a rocky cliff; a former soldier’s garrison.  

View across Archirondel Beach

5. Grouville Bay

Another beach complete with stunning Castle back drop. This one sits at the South East of the island, next to Gorey Castle. This beach isn’t quite as picture perfect, but sits on a nice harbour with lovely sea food lunch options. Again you can combine it with a trip to the Castle and lunch for a lovely day out. As with all the other beaches, there was no-one else on it!

Stunning blue seas

6. Petit Port

This beach sits in the South West corner of the island, and is just round the corner from the beautiful La Corbiere lighthouse. The beach isn’t as beautiful as some of the previous ones, but it was completely deserted. It’s great to combine with a visit to the lighthouse, as well as the cliff walks that surround it, to again make for a full day’s trip.

It is a bit pebbly, and not gorgeous white sand – so I think this is one to take a deck chair or good thick picnic blanket to. We were fine with two little fold out chairs and happily read our books for the whole afternoon before heading back to the hotel.

On Petit Port Beach

7. Geoffrey’s Leap Bay

Another East Coast beach, this one is perfect for watching the world go by and the boats float by. We sat on a bench in the shade (the photo below taken from that very bench) for about 2 hours reading and eating a packed lunch. As for Geoffrey and his leap – no-one really knows who he is, but island legend has it that he committed a crime and that his punishment was to be thrown off a high rock. The second photo is taken from the base of said high rocky outcrop! I was glad not to be Geoffrey!

Another stunning beach

It’s also worth noting that I only explored the east, west and part of the south coast of Jersey, so didn’t get to visit the beaches of the north or south west. In the south west is the famous St Brelade’s Bay, which is the most popular tourist beach. We chose to avoid it for this very reason, but the photos of it do look incredible.

In the north, we missed Bouley Bay, which is known as a beautiful spot for swimming in its deep waters. We ruled this one out as I’m not a confident swimmer and it is advised to only swim in these waters if you are. We also missed Plemont beach which is famous for its rock pools. Our excuse for missing this one – we just ran out of time!

Getting to and from the beaches

Driving in Jersey is easy, so hiring a car to drive to all of these beaches is very straightforward. However, my parents had been previously and said the buses were great so we opted for the cheaper option of public transport. And we weren’t disappointed. Jersey has an incredible bus infrastructure which covers off all of the main attractions. You can get a bus from the main station in St Helier if that’s where you’re staying. All timetables are online and all buses ran to time. You can buy tickets on the bus, so no need to even plan or worry in advance. Just look up your destination on the timetable and turn up! Easy.

I also recommend buses because then you can arrive at one beach, have a walk to lunch, and then on to the next place and get a bus back from there. With a car you are always tied down to ending the day where you started, which didn’t work for our itinerary. I never thought I’d say it, but the buses gave us freedom!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and that visiting Jersey may have made it on to your visit list. If you are interested in learning more about this wonderful island, check out my full Jersey post here. Stay safe and happy travelling all!

One response to “7 of The best beaches in Jersey”

  1. […] If you’d like to read more about these beaches, check out my separate blog on Jersey beaches here! […]


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Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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