School of Property, Construction & Project Management

Two books translated and compiled by Salman Shooshtarian, a 3rd year PhD student in Built Environment, have been published.

Salman currently conducts his PhD in PCPM working on the microclimates and human thermal perceptions at the precinct level under the supervision of Assoc/Prof Usha-Iyer Raniga, Dr Mary Myla Andamon and Dr Ian Ridley. Salman is the recipient of IPRS 2013 Scholarship, and currently HDR student representative at School of Property, Construction and Project Management. He is also a member of the RMIT CIB Student Chapter and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. He obtained his BSc and MSc in Horticulture Engineering in 2007 and 2009 from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the State University of Shiraz in Iran, respectively.
The first book titled “Green Roof Construction and Maintenance” is a free Farsi translation originated by the work of Kelly Lukett (McGraw Hill Professional 2009) with the same title. Building on the author’s valuable long experience and findings of pilot research projects in Illinois University, this book includes some pragmatic tips on construction and maintenance practices of various vegetated roofs. This book consists of 11 chapters that aim to share with readers the experiences gained within the last decades in the green roof industry in the North America. With an increase interests in adoption of green roofs in Farsi-speaking countries, this reputable piece of work attempts to assist local designers, builders, policy makers and urban planners with implementing better strategies toward sustainable cities. “…Since the success of this new technology depends largely on considering the technical aspects of construction and maintenance, it is hoped that this book sheds some light on the overlooked parts of green roofs so as to ensure a vibrant ambience and affordable construct…”, Salman stated.
The second book’s title is “220 Ornamental Trees and Shrubs of the Tropical and Subtropical Landscape”. This book, which is a compiled encyclopaedia of ornamental street trees, is based on the book titled “Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape” authored By Fred D. Rauch, and Paul R. Weissich (the University of Hawaii Press, 2009). Advising on the planting requirements for tree species, this book is intended to introduce the fitting trees and shrubs for tropical and semi-tropical regions in order to familiarise the landscape experts with the specifications of the 220 listed plant species.

Submitted by PhD Candidate Salman Shooshtarian

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